Some prevailing signs of social climbers are their:- ticking cunning ambition- times of deceit- hand of wickedness- gloves of bigotry- hidden bunch of schemes- cup of pride- sip of prejudice- odour of greed- grit of hatredTheir favorite hunger is comparing themselves to others. A thirst of competition with sloth, jealousy and anger at their spirits

Some prevailing signs of social climbers are their:- ticking cunning ambition- times of deceit- hand of wickedness- gloves of bigotry- hidden bunch of schemes- cup of pride- sip of prejudice- odour of greed- grit of hatredTheir favorite hunger is comparing themselves to others. A thirst of competition with sloth, jealousy and anger at their spirits

Some prevailing signs of social climbers are their:- ticking cunning ambition- times of deceit- hand of wickedness- gloves of bigotry- hidden bunch of schemes- cup of pride- sip of prejudice- odour of greed- grit of hatredTheir favorite hunger is comparing themselves to others. A thirst of competition with sloth, jealousy and anger at their spirits (Angelica Hopes, Landscapes of a Heart, Whispers of a Soul)