But when we sit together, close,’ said Bernard, ‘we melt into each other with phrases. We are edged with mist. We make an unsubstantial territory (Virginia Woolf, The Waves)
If you have not been served personally by caring hands in your own life, do not be bitter, but instead, ask yourself who you can now serve
If you have not been served personally by caring hands in your own life, do not be bitter, but instead, ask yourself who you can now serve (Bryant McGill, Voice of Reason)
Sometimes comfort doesn’t matter. When a shoe is freakin’ fabulous, it may be worth a subsequent day of misery. Soak in Epsom salts and take comfort in the fact that you’re better than everyone else
Sometimes comfort doesn’t matter. When a shoe is freakin’ fabulous, it may be worth a subsequent day of misery. Soak in Epsom salts and take comfort in the fact that you’re better than everyone else (Clinton Kelly)
I did the only thing I could. I said the dumbest thing any man has ever said to a woman, “Yeah, it’s just me and my trash can here,” as I patted its lid and started pushing it up the driveway
I did the only thing I could. I said the dumbest thing any man has ever said to a woman, “Yeah, it’s just me and my trash can here,” as I patted its lid and started pushing it up the driveway (Amanda Hamm, Meet Cute: 5 Romantic Short Stories)
Without saying anything, Dara gathered her pillow and one of the soft comforters from her bed and carried it into Carolina’s room. Mackenzie and Jennifer followed her. They would sleep in her room that night, keeping the ice packs around her, adjusting the fan. One by one they fixed their make-shift beds on the floor, close to each other, and close to Carolina
Without saying anything, Dara gathered her pillow and one of the soft comforters from her bed and carried it into Carolina’s room. Mackenzie and Jennifer followed her. They would sleep in her room that night, keeping the ice packs around her, adjusting the fan. One by one they fixed their make-shift beds on the floor, close to each other, and close to Carolina. (Barbara Casey, The Cadence of Gypsies)
Money is a great asset, talent is an extraordinary asset, and courage is an exceptional asset
Money is a great asset, talent is an extraordinary asset, and courage is an exceptional asset (Matshona Dhliwayo)
People who are drawn to journalism are usually people who, because of their cynicism or emotional detachment or reserve or whatever, are incapable of being anything but witnesses to events. Something prevents them from becoming involved, committed, and allows them to remain separate
People who are drawn to journalism are usually people who, because of their cynicism or emotional detachment or reserve or whatever, are incapable of being anything but witnesses to events. Something prevents them from becoming involved, committed, and allows them to remain separate (Nora Ephron)
Hope is not a sin, neither is fidelity
Hope is not a sin, neither is fidelity (Nomi Eve, Henna House)
Where in the world would a star be without the love of the sky? – Munia Khan
Where in the world would a star be without the love of the sky? – Munia Khan
Love is eternal. There is no greater power than love
Love is eternal. There is no greater power than love (Debasish Mridha)